Diaspora Policy & Strategy
One of the major exercises of the MSDG Project is to undertake research, analyses, consultations, drafting, validation and adoption of a Gambian Diaspora Policy and Implementation Plan. This exercise will involve consultations with the key stakeholders in the diaspora and in Gambia, so that there is diverse engagement in the process and ownership of the emergent policy. The main outputs shall be a 10-year Gambian Diaspora Policy and Strategy (2018-27), and a 3-year practical implementation plan and operational schedule.
The research involves review and analyses of relevant existing reports, including the assessment of the policies and strategies of countries comparable to the Gambia migration and diaspora situation. Primary research will be undertaken in the form Survey Questionnaires, Thematic Consultations, and Expert Interviews.
Thematic Consultations: To further explore how Gambians in the diaspora want to enhance their contribution to specific aspects of Gambian development, four thematic webinar consultations will be conducted. The schedule for the Thematic Webinar Consultations is as follows:
- Optimising Actual, Virtual and Circular Diaspora Contributions – Date and time to be confirmed
- Enhancing the Role of Commercial and Social Enterprises – Date and time to be confirmed
- Enhancing the Role of Alumni, Home Town, and Civil Society Organisations – Date and time TBC
- Facilitating Diaspora Participation in Gambian Policy and Elections – Date and time TBC
(There will be a separate face-to-face consultation meeting with Gambian irregular migrants in Italy).
Expert Interviews: The research exercise will also include anonymised interviews with experts, practitioners, and activists. These will include a stratified sample of Gambian diaspora in different regions of the world, and others such as: key diaspora organisations, diaspora media, diaspora returnees, non-diaspora bloggers and journalists, diplomats from countries with Gambian migrants, representatives of international agencies and NGOs, members of the public (urban, rural and semi-rural), etc.
Survey Questionnaire: If you are a Gambian Diasporan (including second generation) or migrant, please help shape the Gambian Diaspora Strategy by completing the Diaspora Strategy Survey Questionnaire.
(There will be a separate survey questionnaire for policymakers, government and institutional officials in The Gambia).