Project Partners
The project partners include the organisations and institutions listed below.

Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT)
Through its Diaspora Technical Support (DTS) programme, ADEPT supported the initial training, induction and technical briefings of Gambian cabinet ministers in February 2017. It endorses the project on Migration and Sustainable Development in The Gambia.

African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)
The services of the Communications Consultant is provided through AFFORD. AFFORD shall provide further communication, networking and technical support where appropriate. AFFORD is a pioneer and leading charity in the field of diaspora-development, founded in the UK in 1994.

Government of The Gambia
Office of the President is leading the coordination within government, for the implementation of the project. Various Ministries, Departments and Agencies, as well as institutions such as the Central Bank of The Gambia are directly involved in the project.

The Swiss Government
The Swiss Government is the funder of the project, through a contract with GK Partners.